Treasury Services
Remote Deposit Capture
With On-Site Banker, Impressia Bank’s remote deposit capture solution, you can convert checks into an electronic file and transmit from your location. As your financial services provider, We strive to offer the services that will better enhance your business. Scanning and submitting deposits from your place of business offers a more streamlined approach to day-to-day operations and provides additional peace of mind, knowing your funds are being deposited safely and securely.
Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA) of 2006
Card Acceptance Guidelines for Visa Merchants
PCI Compliance is every business owners responsibility. Visit the link below to ensure that you are up to date on your security standards.
ACH & Payroll Services
Impressia Bank’s ACH service, within Business eBanking, allows any business customer the ability to originate electronic transactions to or from any bank nationwide, whether they be direct deposit of payroll checks, direct payment of recurring obligations, transferring funds between accounts at various financial institutions or making tax payments.
Direct Deposit
Employees benefit from no more trips to the bank to cash payroll checks, and added confidentiality. Additionally, employees who have or open an account with Impressia Bank for their payroll direct deposit from a business using Payroll services will receive added benefits that go along with the Perks@Work Program.
Direct Payments
Electronic payments and collections are rapidly becoming the method of choice for paying obligations. Utility payments, insurance premiums, loan payments and club dues are all examples of types of direct payments. In addition, businesses have the option to initiate the collection of funds from customers, such as rent payments, utilities and dues.
Corporate Cash Concentration and Disbursement
Businesses can use this service to move money between their accounts at other financial institutions.
- Cost Reduction – Fewer checks to buy and reduced check distribution costs
- Increased Efficiency – Reduced time to print and sign checks, easier and quicker check disbursement, greatly simplified account reconcilement, reduced storage space for canceled checks, elimination of lost/stolen paycheck problems, fewer incorrect pay amounts from typing checks, easier payroll research
Added Employee Benefits
- Top-Of-The-Line Free Interest Checking
- First order of 150 safety paper wallet style checks at no charge
- No-fee Check Card when making unlimited deposits and withdrawals at any sister division ATM
- Automatic transfer of your deposit into any combination of a checking, savings, All Purpose Club, or IRA accounts
- Visa® Gold Reward credit card available with no annual fee (based upon credit approval)
- Rate reduction off the current interest rate on certain consumer loans with automatic payment (based upon credit approval)
Positive Pay & Account Reconciliation
The impact of fraud can be hard on any business. With millions of transactions clearing through payment systems each day, businesses don’t have time or resources to inspect each one – and yet, it’s a threat that cannot be ignored. We have the answer. Positive Pay Plus is a powerful, proven solution to combat fraud. We only process what you tell us to, so fraudulent checks can be reviewed and rejected.
ScoreCard® Rewards: Earn 1 point for every $1 you spend in net purchases. Redeem points for gift cards, merchandise and travel!
Tap, dip or swipe – it is all up to you. Tapping to pay with your VISA contactless credit card can help you avoid touching surfaces at checkout. Each time you tap, your transaction generates a one-time code, making your transaction secure.
24/7 Account Access: Just visit, enter your credit card number and security code, and view your account balance, available credit, amount and date of last payment, minimum payment amount and due date, last statement date, cash advance limit, transactions posted since last statement, and more!
Cash Advances: Access your available balance by getting a cash advance with your credit card at participating banks worldwide. For easier cash access using your credit card personal identification number (PIN) you can get a cash advance from any ATM displaying the MoneyPass or Plus symbol.
Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver Program: Should you need a rental car for business travel, be sure to use your corporate Visa Gold card — this benefit is provided by Visa at no charge to you.
Around-the-clock Assistance: You have access via a toll-free number to report lost or stolen cards, obtain balance information or recent account activity, and more! For around-the-clock assistance, call 1-800-423-7503.

Visa® Corporate Purchasing Card
Purchasing Power with a Cash Rebate Incentive – Manage and track all card activity in real time and qualify for a percentage of the transactional spend back in the form of an annual cash rebate to the company. Plus you have the option to print your company logo on the cards.
Real-Time Online Control at Your Office
Monitor and Analyze Spending and Usage
Data Extract Available for GL or Expense System Interface
Cash Flow Advantages
Purchasing Power
Revenue Share
Visa® Corporate Purchasing Card with Fleet
Fleet Prompts and Reporting – Extra security and more robust reporting with “pay-at-the-pump” prompts such as odometer mileage or driver ID number. Businesses can assign a card to a vehicle or driver, and limit to fuel only purchases if desired.
Services & Expenses
Additional Options
Pay-at-Pump Fleet Prompts
Customize with your Company Logo
Contact us today
Our Customer Service Center can be reached by emailing or calling 1-888-982-4020 between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday and 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Saturday.
For 24/7 access to your Impressia Bank accounts, try ServiceCall. Simply dial 1-866-224-7314 to gain access to your account balance, information on checks or withdrawals, verify deposits, transfer funds, make loan payments or more.